European Journal of Mathematical Analysis <p>European Journal of Mathematical Analysis is a peer-reviewed journal with European and international perspectives, devoted to publishing research articles on all aspects of mathematical analysis.</p> Ada Academica en-US European Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2733-3957 A Proposal of New Extended Symmetric Cosine Distribution <p>This article presents an extended symmetric version of the cosine distribution. The corresponding probability density function is constructed by a special linear combination of cosine and sine functions. These trigonometric functions are activated by two adjustable parameters with the aim of generating modulable oscillatory shapes. This gives the new distribution greater flexibility and applicability than the cosine distribution. Its main characteristics are then examined, focusing on its functional properties, the key moment measures and the generation of distributions with different support. A new skewed version of the standard normal distribution is also derived. Potential applications in various fields are discussed. Two simulated data examples are presented and analyzed, showing the superior performance of the new distribution compared to another two-parameter extended version of the cosine distribution.</p> Christophe Chesneau Copyright (c) 2025 European Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 5 7 7 10.28924/ada/ma.5.7 Schwarz Algorithms for Stokes-Stokes Coupling <p>In this article, we exhibit the behavior of the Schwarz algorithms for the Steady Stokes equation in the case of two unbounded subdomains at the continuous level. The Schwarz methods have received a lot of attention during the last decades with the vast development of parallel computing devices. Hermann Amandus Schwarz, a German analyst, is considered to be the pioneer of the Domain Decomposition methods. We will closely observe how the overlapping and non overlapping Schwarz methods work for the steady Stokes problem. This problem has immediate practical application, modeling the flow of an incompressible fluid. For the analysis, we rely on Fourier analysis techniques and we provide comparison of the exhibited methods.</p> Alexandros Kyriakis Copyright (c) 2025 European Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 5 6 6 10.28924/ada/ma.5.6 Hybrid Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations in Banach Spaces <p>The present article contributes to the solution of equations which carry the symmetry property of the problem or not. Iterative methods with in- verses generate sequences converging faster to a solution of an equation than methods without inverses. However, the implementation of these methods has drawbacks, since the analytical form of these inverse may be unavailable or computationally very expensive. This problem is addressed in this paper by replacing the inverse with a finite sum of linear opera- tors. A convergence analysis is developed for the hybrid methods. The numerical examples demonstrate that the number of iterates is essentially the same between the hybrid and the original method. This technique is also extended to solve generalized equations.</p> Ioannis K. Argyros Santhosh George Samundra Regmi Michael I. Argyros Copyright (c) 2025 European Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 5 5 5 10.28924/ada/ma.5.5 Correspondences Among Inner Functions, Functions with Non-Negative Real Parts and Conformal Mappings <p>We study an interesting family of dynamical systems on the set of the singular inner functions (defined on the unit disk). Starting with an inner function \( S_0(z) \), we obtain new singular inner functions \( S_1(z), S_2(z), \ldots \). This sequence converges to a holomorphic self-map of the unit disk which we call \( S \). The convergence is proved with the aid of a fixed-point theorem, a special case of the Earle-Hamilton Theorem. The function \( S \) itself is not a singular inner function as \( zS(z) \) is a conformal map. This conformal map has the surprising property that its inverse (which is a priori defined on a proper subset of the disk) extends to the entire disk. The motivating question for this research is whether \( z \) times a singular inner function can have an omitted value in the unit disk. This question appears within a book on the Krzyz problem written by the author. This question is still open.</p> Ronen Peretz Copyright (c) 2025 European Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 5 4 4 10.28924/ada/ma.5.4 The Rellich-Kondrachov Theorem for Gelfand Pairs Over Hypergroups <p>Embedding results play important rôles in mathematical analysis. This paper addresses some embedding theorems in the context of Sobolev spaces theory on Gelfand pairs over hypergroups. Mainly, the analogue of the Rellich-Kondrachov theorem is proved.</p> Ky T. Bataka Yaogan Mensah Copyright (c) 2025 European Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 5 3 3 10.28924/ada/ma.5.3 On η-Local Functions in Ideal Topological Spaces <p>This study introduces and investigates a new local function called \( \eta \)-local function in ideal topological space \( (X, \tau, I) \) by using the notion of \( \eta \)-open sets in topological space \( (X, \tau) \). The operator \( (\cdot)_\eta^* : \mathcal{P}(X) \rightarrow \mathcal{P}(X) \) is defined as \((\cdot)_\eta^* (A) = A_\eta^* = \big\{ x \in X \mid A \cap U \notin I \ \text{for every} \ U \in \eta\text{-}O(x) \big\}\) for each \( A \subseteq X \), where \( \eta \)-\( O(x) \) is the set of all \( \eta \)-open subsets of \( X \) containing \( x \). This study establishes some properties of \( A_\eta^* \) including its relationships to the local function and local function \( \Gamma^* \) in ideal topological space \( (X, \tau, I) \). This study also introduces a new type of closure called the \( \eta \)-local closure in ideal topological space \( (X, \tau, I) \) which is denoted by \( Cl_\eta^*(A) \) for each \( A \subseteq X \). Furthermore, this study establishes some properties of the \( \eta \)-local closure.</p> Junvon A. Almocera Lezel M. Tutanes Copyright (c) 2025 European Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 5 2 2 10.28924/ada/ma.5.2 Stability Results of Positive Weak Solution for a Class of Chemically Reacting Systems <div>This paper aims to study the existence and non-existence results of positive weak solution to the quasilinear elliptic system:</div> <div>\[</div> <div>\begin{cases}</div> <div>-\Delta_p u = \lambda a(x) \left[ f(u,v) - \dfrac{1}{u^\alpha} \right], &amp; x \in \Omega, \\</div> <div>-\Delta_q v = \lambda b(x) \left[ g(u,v) - \dfrac{1}{v^\beta} \right], &amp; x \in \Omega, \\</div> <div>u = 0 = v, &amp; x \in \partial\Omega,</div> <div>\end{cases}</div> <div>\]</div> <div>where \(\Delta_r w = \operatorname{div}(|\nabla w|^{r-2} \nabla w)\) is the \(r\)-Laplacian (\(r = p, q\)), \(r &gt; 1\), \(\alpha, \beta \in (0,1)\), \(\Omega\) is a bounded domain in \(\mathbb{R}^N\) (\(N &gt; 1\)) with smooth boundary \(\partial\Omega\) and \(\lambda\) is a positive parameter. Here \(f, g\) are \(C^1\) increasing functions such that \(f, g : \mathbb{R}^+ \times \mathbb{R}^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+\); \(f(\upsilon_1, \upsilon_2) &gt; 0\), \(g(\upsilon_1, \upsilon_2) &gt; 0\) for \(\upsilon_1, \upsilon_2 &gt; 0\). With \(C^1\) sign-changing functions \(a(x)\), \(b(x)\) that perhaps have negative values nearby the boundary. We establish our results via the sub-supersolution method. In addition, we study the stability and instability results of positive weak solution with different choices of \(f\) and \(g\).</div> Salah A. Khafagy A. Ezzat Mohamed Copyright (c) 2025 European Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 5 1 1 10.28924/ada/ma.5.1