MLE Evolution Equation for Fractional Diffusions and Berry-Esseen Inequality of Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm for American Option

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Jaya P. N. Bishwal


We study recursive parameter estimation in fractional diffusion processes. First, stability and asymptotic properties of the global maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the drift parameter are obtained under some regularity conditions. Then we obtain an evolution equation for the MLE of the drift parameter in nonhomogeneous fractional stochastic differential equation (fSDE) driven by fractional Brownian motion. This equation is then modified to yield an algorithm which is consistent, asymptotically efficient and converges to the MLE. The gradient and Newton type algorithm are firstorder approximations. Finally we study the Berry-Esseen inequality for stochastic gradient descent in continuous time (SGDCT) algorithm for American option. We compare it with Longstaff-Schwartz regression based method.

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